8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
The Revised Common Lectionary allows God’s people to encounter the deep meaning of Scripture through the Word read and proclaimed. Many lectionary resources, however, don't help the preacher with that, offering either in-depth commentary focused too heavily on the historical world of the text or shallow suggestions for “life applications” that have too little to do with the Scripture itself. What's a preacher to do? Well, this resource is a huge help. It begins with the conviction that Scripture speaks first and foremost to Christians now. Its message engages Christian belief and action in the present day. While informed by the best in current biblical studies, its commentary on the Scripture passages of the Revised Common Lectionary focuses on the questions of Christian life in the world that church members bring with them to worship. Each entry is co-written by a Theologian and a Homiletician and seeks to answer the essential questions, “what does this passage say about the Gospel? How does it speak to my encounter with God in Christ, and my calling as a Christian in the world?” This resource is conceived as a companion to biblical and lectionary resources that preachers regularly employ. Drawing upon recent scholarship in various disciplines, it showcases theological matters that arise out of both the biblical texts and the liturgical year... and will enrich your of sermons for years to come. This volume is for The Revised Common Lectionary Year C.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon