8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
When a new church is planted, even when it is only a mission point with a few dozen people, the question is asked, how do we govern ourselves? Fortunately, Presbyterians have a long history of effective church government. In my experience as a missionary and church leader, when people understand our system of governance, they are enthusiastic about using the presbyterian system of ministry. As a missionary, church planter, and denominational director of global missions, I have taught people in different countries about Cumberland Presbyterian (CP) Church government. This book draws from materials used in countless workshops around the world to teach men and women what it means to be an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This book is a short introduction to eldership designed for people new to or uncertain about the position of elder. Because the CP Church is a global denomination planting new churches in many countries, there is a need for a book about elders that can be translated and used in different nations where there are Cumberland Presbyterian churches.
Our system of church government recognizes there are men and women in the local church that God calls to leadership. They are not pastors but ordained non-clergy (lay) church leaders. These lay leaders are called elders, and they work as a team with the pastor in the governance and ministry of the local church. As Presbyterians, we believe so much in lay leadership that at all levels of the church, local, regional, and internationally we require that elders be part of the decision-making process and ministry of the CP Church. Without elders there is no such thing as Presbyterianism. In fact, as you will see, Presbyterian means “elder.” This book is a guide to new elders, and a refresher for those who have been active elders on the session.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon