8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
This series is intended for adults (of any age) to use in small groups, mid-week Bible study, Sunday school, or any other group setting. These lessons are perfect for the less-casual group because they are written in a way that, while the writer shares some information, the class does most of the "work" through discussion and reflection. There are even on-your-own journaling prompts to use between gatherings. Maybe the best feature is that, while someone needs to need to facilitate (or several persons can rotate facilitating), no one has to be the designated teacher. The lessons are written from the Reformed perspective and utilize scripture, but are based on general themes. The number of lessons varies from study to study. Each participant will need need his/her own book.
This study is 6 lessons on the theme of Peace. See the photo, and below, for more information.
Peace is something that can be hard to find in our world today. Chaos runs rampant in every aspect of our lives. So many things are happening around us, causing us worry and stress, vying for our attention, that it can be difficult even to recognize peacefulness when we come across it.
Peace is one of those concepts that means something different for everyone. To one person it means an absence of conflict on a global level. Some people see peace as having harmony within their families. Some feel that peace starts in each person's individual life. The amazing thing is that the Bible addresses each of these situations with words of wisdom and hope for achieving the peace for which we long. Join this exploration of what the Bible says we can do to achieve peace in all aspects of our lives.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon