8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
Deeply personal in tone, and powerful in the extreme, My Soul Looks Back in Wonder presents stirring eyewitness accounts from people who played active roles in the civil rights movement over the past 50 years. All the narratives are drawn from AARP's Voices of Civil Rights project, and they present a wide-ranging picture of the struggle. This new and helpful readers' group guide includes a clear and succinct introduction especially directed to those studying the book; thought-provoking questions for discussion; praise for the author; and a brief author biography. Juan Williams doesn't merely retell familiar tales about this tumultuous time: he showcases stories of personal transformation that bring a pivotal moment in American history profoundly alive. And it isn't just about the past: the vivid language and intimate experiences that unfold on every page reveal just how much the civil rights revolution remains a vital force today. Every speaker makes clear that the fight for equality must continue now, and into the future.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon