8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
Unless you live under a rock you have probably noticed how polarized society has become lately. Mentioning the wrong politician's name from the pulpit, or failing to mention the right politician's name, will anger somebody. The same sermon might be criticized by some as too political and others as not political enough. It seems to have come to the point that we Christians no longer even agree on what is true. This book helps teach you to preach in a way that allows the Church to be its best self: a place of commitment, engagement, acceptance, and compassion for all of God's children... despite the challenging and disorienting new reality in which we live.
Here are some nuggets drawn from the book: Being angry about something and/or denouncing something does not make you a prophet. Listen as much as you want to be heard. Talk alone is cheap, but a foundation of actions give words power. Caring passionately about something does not automatically translate into good preaching. How we preach requires a longer homiletical horizon than just this Sunday.
Author William Brosend, an Episcopal priest, is Professor of New Testament and Preaching for the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon