8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
This series of lessons explores the seasons of the church. Most of us use a calendar to mark our days, help us mark the seasons, keep track of important dates and upcoming events. Calendars are essential to our daily lives. But there is another, more specifically, Christian calendar called the liturgical calendar that focuses on different elements of the Christian faith throughout the year. The liturgical calendar doesn't just mark important dates, but helps us prepare and reflect on what those dates represent to millions of Christians around the world.
This resource has six lessons for youth, focusing on the seasons of the liturgical year. Paying attention to the liturgical year draws churches out of "just us" thinking, allowing the congregation to tap into something ancient and meaningful. For the individual, observing the liturgical year gives a sense of order to life, an order not dictated by a calendar app, the boss, or the school, but by events in the life of Jesus Christ.
This resource is for the leader. It has reproducible handouts for students. There is no student book. If you have more than one leader for a class, however, you might want to get a copy of this resource for each one.
This book contains 5 lessons that can be used any time of the year:
Advent (Advent is a time for preparation)
Christmas and Epiphany (Christmas is a season, not just a day. Epiphany is its own special day. Celebrating these historical events points us toward eternity.)
Lent (Lent is a time of self-reflection, self-denial, and self-discipline, all of which draw us beyond ourselves to focus more fully on Christ.)
Pentecost (Pentecost reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit.)
Ordinary Time (This is where most of life happens, but even ordinary days extraordinary things can happen.)
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon