8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Louisa Woosley’s ordination, this volume celebrates Cumberland Presbyterian clergy women. It includes the heartfelt preaching voice of women across the spectrum of Cumberland Presbyterianism, 69 sermons in four languages from three continents. There can be no doubting the sincerity of that voice.
Contributions include:
Mindy Acton, Minister, Grace Presbytery, Faith: Dead or Alive?
Marty Aden, Minister, Red River Presbytery, Find Your Passion
Lisa Anderson, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, The Space Between Us
Mary McCaskey Benedict, Minister, Murfreesboro Presbytery, Blessed Be the Tie That Binds
Elizabeth Karen Brasher, Minister, in transitu (Grace Presbytery to Trinity Presbytery), The Walk of Love
Elinor Swindle Brown, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, The Holy Spirit Is Coming
Whitney Brown, Candidate, Presbytery of East Tennessee, Does Prayer Make a Difference?
Jill Davis Carr, Candidate, Missouri Presbytery, Ditching Jesus
Amber Clark, Minister, Murfreesboro Presbytery, 180 Degrees: Jacob
Marcia Compton, Minister, North Central Presbytery, Getting Rid of Our Excess Baggage
Lisa Cook, Minister, Nashville Presbytery, What Is Your Name?
María del Socorro Delgado, Minister, Cauca Valley Presbytery, Missionary in Guatemala, Un Llamado a Romper Paradigmas--A Call to Break Paradigms
Esperanza Díaz, Minister, Andes Presbytery, El Amor Que Transforma Vidas--The Transforming Love
Gloria Villa Diaz, Minister, Trinity Presbytery, Misses To Be Avoided
Virginia Espinoza, Minister, Choctaw Presbytery, The Hem of Jesus’ Robe
Nancy J. Fuqua, Minister, Florence Presbytery, Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, If Walls Could Talk
Michele Gentry, Minister, Andes Presbytery, Nueva Vida En Cristo--New Life in Christ
Linda Glenn, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Putting our Baskets in the Water
Melissa Goodloe, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, God is in Control: Easter Sunday
Susan Carole Guin Groce, Candidate, West Tennessee Presbytery, Witness
Luz Dary Guerrero, Minister, Andes Presbytery, La Adoración o Servicio del Creyente, Ha de Ser en Obediencia Respetuosa, Pues Dios es Soberano Señor--The Responsibility of the Believer is to Be Respectfully Obedient to God, Our Sovereign Lord
Donna Stockburger Heflin, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, The Call
Luz María Heilbron, Minister, Andes Presbytery, ¿Por Qué Nosotros No Podemos Dejar De Decir Lo Que Hemos Visto Y Oído?--For We Cannot But Speak the Things Which We Have Seen and Heard
Donna Lee Hollingshed, Candidate, Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery, Nothing is Trivial to God
Linda Smith Howell, Minister, Grace Presbytery, The Present of Christ’s Presence in the Present
Cardelia Howell-Diamond, Minister, Robert Donnell Presbytery, Ms Helen’s Funeral Service
Ella Hung, Licentiate, Hong Kong Presbytery, Hero of the Era
Versey Jones, Minister, Huntsville Presbytery, Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, Women are Always Starting “Stuff”
Abby Cole Keller, Minister, East Tennessee Presbytery, The Difference a Dollar Can Make
Mary Kathryn Kirkpatrick, Minister, Trinity Presbytery, I Am Calling You
Sherry Whitaker Ladd, Minister, Columbia Presbytery, Baptism of Christ
Jenny Lam, Candidate, Hong Kong Presbytery, God’s Refination
Paula Shepard Louder, Minister, Nashville Presbytery, Step out and Follow the Leader
Tiffany Hall McClung, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Wake Up!
Rhonda McGowan, Minister, Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery, The Price for the Book
Judy Madden, Minister, Red River Presbytery, Sheep or Goat? Trouble Everywhere!
Melissa Malinoski, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Earthly Treasures
Theresa Martin, Minister, Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery, What Happens When Jesus Comes to Town?
Brittany P. Meeks, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Bridges
Luciria Aguirre Naranjo, Minister, Cauca Valley Presbytery, Una Madre Sobreprotectora--An Overprotective Mother
Jennifer Newell, Minister, Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery, With God on the Mountain
Sharon Notley, Minister, Presbytery del Cristo, Waiting on God
Lisa Oliver, Minister, Nashville Presbytery, Not What But Who
Susan Parker, Minister, Hope Presbytery, Doubt
Lisa Peterson, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Hunger Pangs
Pam Phillips-Burk, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, The Towel of Jesus
Patricia J. Pickett, Minister, Nashville Presbytery, Gone Fishing
Zenobia Rivera, Minister, Andes Presbytery, Padre Perdónalos--Father Forgive Them
Linda Rodden, Minister, Missouri Presbytery, Love—the Most Excellent Way
Missy Rose, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, In the Garden
Josefina Sanchez, Minister, East Tennessee Presbytery, Una Vida Que Da En El Blanco--A Life That Hits the Bullseye
Lisa Scott, Minister, Missouri Presbytery, Arise, Shine!
Nobuko Seki, Minister, Japan Presbytery, Invitation to the Kingdom of God
Teresa Hyams Shauf, Minister, Covenant Presbytery, Untie Me and Let Me Go
Sandra Shepherd, Minister, Robert Donnell Presbytery, The Children’s Table
Terra Sisco, Minister, Covenant Presbytery, There’s Just Something About This Jesus
Cassandra Thomas, Minister, Red River Presbytery, Whatcha Talking About?
Micaiah Thomas, Licentiate, Grace Presbytery, Rock-Faces and Trust
Laura Narowetz Todd, Candidate, West Tennessee Presbytery, Whom Will You Serve?
Diana María Valdez, Minister, Andes Presbytery, Normas Celestiales Para no Olvidar--Heavenly Rules You Shouldn't Forget
Fran Vickers, Minister, East Tennessee Presbytery, Get Up!
Joy Warren, Minister, Murfreesboro Presbytery, Reign of the Shepherd
Gloria Washburn, Candidate, Arkansas Presbytery, The Storms in Life
Virginia Washington, Minister, Huntsville Presbytery, Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, Let Your Light Shine in the Darkest Places
Diann White, Minister, West Tennessee Presbytery, Blinded by the Light
Eliza Yau, Licentiate, Hong Kong Presbytery, The Father’s Heart
Betty Youngman, Minister, Red River Presbytery, Strangers in a Strange Land
Grace Yu, Minister, Hong Kong Presbytery, Do Not Be Afraid
Susanna Yuen, Licentiate, Hong Kong Presbytery, The Arm of the Lord
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon