8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon
Theology has become obscure and irrelevant for most church members, something created by the theologians and handed down to others as something they are just supposed to believe. But theology is far too important to be left to the theologians in the universities and seminaries.
This resource explores the Apostles' Creed in 14 chapters, each chapter based on a portion of the creed and a passage of scripture. The overall goal is to involve the whole church in thinking theologically. Our Christian faith can grow stale like water that has been sitting too long in an old oaken bucket. When this happens we need to drink from springs of life-giving water (John 4:14). The Bible and Christian creeds are such springs when they lead us to Jesus, the living water.
One such source that has never grown stale is the Apostles' Creed (which is not composed of the exact words of the Apostles but is a good summary of the message passed down by the Apostles). As such it has been accepted by Western Christendom as a valid expression of our faith in God, who relates to us in saving ways in Jesus Christ and in empowering and transforming ways in the Holy Spirit. The Reformers elevated the Apostles' Creed as one confession of their faith, and it thus found a place in the confessional documents of many Protestant churches.
This creed's strength is that it points to the basic facts of the life of Jesus. Its weakness is that true faith is not believing facts about Jesus, but committing ourselves in loving trust to Jesus.
Store Hours
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - Noon